React tiptap custom extension for word count


reactjs, nextjs, tiptap, custom extension

React tiptap custom extension for word count

If you are working with React and implementing a rich text editor, then chances are you are using React Tiptap. Even though it is a very powerful and flexible editor, it can still be missing some features that you need. In this blog post, I will show you how to create a custom extension for React Tiptap to count and limit the number of words.

The problem

In one of my recent projects, a rich text editor implementation required us to be able to limit to a certain number of words. Even though the common practice is to use a character counter, which is something that tiptap offers out of the box, we needed a way to count and limit the number of words in the editor.

The solution

By looking at the tiptap documentation, I found that it offers a way to create custom extensions. Whats even better is that you can view the source code of the extensions that are already available in the library. Meaning that based on the CharacterCount extension, we can create our own WordCount extension.

Here is how the extension looks:

import { Extension } from '@tiptap/core';
import { Node as ProseMirrorNode } from '@tiptap/pm/model';
import { Plugin, PluginKey } from '@tiptap/pm/state';
export interface WordCountOptions {
   * The maximum number of words that should be allowed. Defaults to `0`.
   * @default null
   * @example 180
  limit: number | null | undefined;
export interface WordCountStorage {
  words: (options?: { node?: ProseMirrorNode }) => number;
export const WordCount = Extension.create<WordCountOptions, WordCountStorage>({
  name: 'wordCount',
  addOptions() {
    return {
      limit: null,
  addStorage() {
    return {
      words: () => 0,
  onBeforeCreate() { = (options) => {
      const node = options?.node || this.editor.state.doc;
      const text = node.textBetween(0, node.content.size, ' ', ' ');
      const words = text.split(' ').filter((word) => word !== '');
      return words.length;
  addProseMirrorPlugins() {
    return [
      new Plugin({
        key: new PluginKey('wordCount'),
        filterTransaction: (transaction, state) => {
          const limit = this.options.limit;
          if (
            !transaction.docChanged ||
            limit === 0 ||
            limit === null ||
            limit === undefined
          ) {
            return true;
          const oldSize ={ node: state.doc });
          const newSize ={ node: transaction.doc });
          if (newSize <= limit) {
            return true;
          if (oldSize > limit && newSize > limit && newSize <= oldSize) {
            return true;
          if (oldSize > limit && newSize > limit && newSize > oldSize) {
            return false;
          const isPaste = transaction.getMeta('paste');
          if (!isPaste) {
            return false;
          const pos = transaction.selection.$head.pos;
          const over = newSize - limit;
          const from = pos - over;
          const to = pos;
          transaction.deleteRange(from, to);
          const updatedSize ={ node: transaction.doc });
          if (updatedSize > limit) {
            return false;
          return true;

In order to use this extension, we need to add it to the configuration of our editor:

const editor = useEditor({
  extensions: [
      limit: maxWords,

It can even be used in conjunction with the CharacterCount extension, so that you can count and limit the number of characters and words in the editor:

const editor = useEditor({
  extensions: [
      limit: maxChars,
      limit: maxWords,

And voila! You now have a rich text editor with a word count extension that can be used to limit the number of words in 🎉